Thy kingdom come,
Thy will be done,
On earth
As it is in heaven.


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The 17 Worldview Documents

The 17 Worldview Documents offer Christian leaders concise and comprehensive biblical principles of how to apply the truth of the Bible to all spheres of life and ministry. These non-negotiable biblical truths have been boiled down to short, creed-like statements of affirmation and denial. 

(Las Traducciones Españolas/Spanish Translations)

These documents are in the Adobe Acrobat portable document (.pdf) format. To view or print the document, you must have the free Acrobat Reader from Adobe by clicking the icon below. 

  1.  The Christian Worldview of Government

  2. The Christian Worldview of Law

  3. The Christian Worldview of The Family

  4. The Christian Worldview of Discipleship

  5. The Christian Worldview of Economics

  6. The Christian Worldview of Church Unity

  7. The Christian Worldview of Education

  8. The Christian Worldview of Helping the Hurting

  9. The Christian Worldview of Local and World Evangelism

  10. The Christian Worldview of Social Action

  11. The Christian Worldview of Business and Occupations

  12. The Christian Worldview of Art and Communication

  13. The Christian Worldview of Science and Technology

  14. The Christian Worldview of Medicine

  15. The Christian Worldview of Psychology and Counseling 

  16. The Christian Worldview of Pastoral Renewal

  17. The Christian Worldview of Revitalizing Christian Colleges and Universities

More About the Worldview Documents



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View or print these documents with the  free Acrobat Reader.

Twenty-Four Year Plan
Invitation Brochure


Christian Foundation

Biblical Inerrancy    (Signatories)
42 Worldview Essentials
The Kingdom of God
Manifesto for the Church


Christian Worldview Documents

Worldview Law
Worldview Government
Worldview Social/Political
Worldview Education
Worldview Discipleship
Worldview Medicine
Worldview Psychol/Counseling
Worldview Science/Technology
Worldview Art/Media
Worldview Economics
Worldview Business/ Occupat.
Worldview Evangelism
Worldview Christian Unity
Worldview Family
Worldview Poor/Hurting
Worldview Pastoral Renewal
Worldview Colleges/Universities



Spanish Translations
Las Traducciones Españolas


Other Resources

 Neo-Orthodox Falsehoods
 Leader's Questions


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The International Church Council Project

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