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COR Documents
20 Inerrancy Questions
Intl. Church Council
Reformation of America
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Welcome to Coalition on Revival
Applying the Scriptures to
Every Sphere of Life and
Promoting the Biblical and Christian Worldview
Traducciones Españolas)
The Coalition on Revival (COR) is a network of evangelical leaders from
every major denominational and theological perspective who share a
vision for and a commitment to worldwide revival, renewal, and
reformation in the Church and society, that will practically implement
the Biblical and Christian Worldiew.
COR's basic mission is to encourage and help the universal
of Jesus Christ
obey God's Cultural Mandate and the Great Commission. COR's founding
director is Dr. Jay Grimstead who also helped found the
International Council on Biblical Inerrancy (ICBI), which
wrote the
Chicago Statement on Biblical Inerrancy & the
Chicago Statement on Biblical Hermeneutics. Biblical
inerrancy is one of the theological and worldview issues being dealt
with by the
Church Council Project, which is in many respects the
spiritual successor to the now defunct ICBI.
We welcome your contribution to the ongoing
work of COR. You can help us to implement a Biblical worldview for the
21st century and beyond!
COR Documents
Learn more about the
historic COR documents, which explain how to apply the Scripture to a
Biblical and Christian Worldview.
Foundation documents
17 Christian Worldview Documents
Las Traducciones Españolas/Spanish Translations
International Church Council Project
Learn more about how the International Church
Council project is dealing with false, destructive teachings
to bring about more thinking and
implementation of a Biblical and Christian worldview.
International Church Council
Theological documents
Las Traducciones Españolas/Spanish Translations
Reasons to hope for the success of the Church Council Project
Implications of false doctrines
Resources for Reformation and Revival
Find other reformation minded organizations on the
Web and other resources for that will help
you understand the principles of a Biblical and Christian worldview.
Resources and Links
What is the
Coalition on Revival?
The Coalition on Revival
is a network of evangelical leaders from many major denominational and
theological perspectives who share a vision for and commitment to
revival, renewal, and reformation of the Church and society and to
further discussion and implementation of a Biblical and Christian
worldview. COR's vision is
to see Christians everywhere doing all they can in the power of the Holy
Spirit to take every thought captive to the obedience of Christ in every
aspect of life and worldview area. COR's mission is "to help the Church
rebuild civilization on the principles of the Bible so God's will may be
done on earth as it is in heaven." We are committed implementing
this Biblical worldview in every way God gives us opportunity.
People of Anabaptist,
Arminian, Lutheran, Calvinist, and Wesleyan denominational backgrounds
are represented among COR’s leaders. Pre-, a-, and post-millennialists
are cooperating with each other, sharing the exciting task of getting
God’s will done on earth as it is in heaven insofar as that is possible
between now and whenever Christ comes back to Earth. Charismatics and
non-charismatics, covenant and dispensationalist theologians, have
joined arm in arm in prayer and hard work to develop and implement the
Biblical worldview through revival, renewal, and reformation in the
Christian Church and the American culture.
COR’s vision is to see Christians everywhere doing all they can in the
power of the Holy Spirit to take every thought captive to the obedience
of Christ (2 Cor. 10:5), which essentially means a biblical-Christian
worldview. To that end we have developed a series of worldview documents
that set forth what we believe are the fundamental and essential points
of the total Christian worldview and society. The COR worldview
documents state what we believe are the biblical principles for all
worldview areas of human life including theology, evangelism,
discipleship, law, civil governments, economics, education, family,
medicine, psychology and counseling, arts and media, business and
professions, and science and technology. We believe that these Biblical
and Christian worldview documents state where the entire Church must
stand and what action it must take to accomplish its task in this new
COR has, in the past,
brought together large groups of Christian leaders to produce a series
of foundational documents to guide the Church in its return to historic
orthodoxy. These documents include:
The Manifesto for the Christian Church, the
42 Articles on Historic Christian Doctrine, the
25 Articles of Affirmation and Denial on the Kingdom of God,
and a comprehensive series of
17 Christian Worldview Documents
that outline the Biblical and
Christian worldview in areas of life and thought. All these
documents are in turn based on the historic view of the Bible stated in
The Chicago Statement on Biblical Inerrancy, created by the
International Council on Biblical Inerrancy, which COR's director,
Dr. Jay Grimstead, helped
found and of which he was executive director in the early years. In
addition, COR has organized a massive theological study and debate
proposed to culminate in a global Church Council during the early years
of the new millennium.
Our Perspective
Wherever God's people,
His willingly obedient subjects, are obeying Him in every aspect of
their lives, there is where the King's Kingdom is being brought forth in
this world in time and space to implement His Biblical worldview.
It is inconceivable that
it could be logical or that it could ever please the King to have His
willing subjects bring their spiritual, theological, and ecclesiastical
lives under His dominion without also bringing their families, finances,
education, legal matters, professional life, voting choices, involvement
in the arts and sciences, recreation, and physical health all under the
King's dominion; this in essence is living out the Christian and
Biblical worldview.
The Kingdom of God
increases, advances, and becomes measurable in this space-time world in
every sphere of life, as more and more individuals become truly
regenerated, converted, discipled, and trained in Christian biblical
worldview to let their Christianity and their commitment to the King's
laws and values be expressed through the various facets and
relationships of their lives.
Wherever and whenever
and to whatever degree Christians are making a united stand in their
societal groupings for the concerns of their King Jesus, and are
operating according to His Kingdom's principles, exactly at that point
is the Kingdom of God in existence on this earth and the Christian
Worldview being lived out. When enough serious Christians thus
influence, penetrate, and permeate the various societal structures, and
when those Christians are connected together in a common fellowship and
commitment around their common Lord, that is when and where the
of God can be said
to be advancing through society during this age. The COR Christian
worldview documents are a good foundation and directive for this Kingdom
View or print these documents with the free Acrobat Reader.
Twenty-Four Year Plan
Invitation Brochure
Christian Foundation
Biblical Inerrancy
42 Worldview Essentials
of God
Manifesto for the Church
Christian Worldview
Worldview Law
Worldview Government
Worldview Social/Political
Worldview Education
Worldview Discipleship
Worldview Medicine
Worldview Psychol/Counseling
Worldview Science/Technology
Worldview Art/Media
Worldview Economics
Worldview Business/ Occupat.
Worldview Evangelism
Worldview Christian Unity
Worldview Family
Worldview Poor/Hurting
Worldview Pastoral Renewal
Worldview Colleges/Universities
Spanish Translations
Las Traducciones Españolas
Other Resources
Neo-Orthodox Falsehoods
Leader's Questions